GET TO KNOW Our Founder

Tony Childress, P.E., S.E.

Tony is a leader in redefining the role of engineering, architecture and consulting for commercial and residential construction. He is the owner and founder of Childress Engineering Services, Inc, established in 1994 with offices in Richardson and Austin, Texas, Owner/President of Jax Kneppers, Inc. in San Francisco, California, and is the Managing Partner of SCWright, LLC in San Diego, California and for Group Structural, LLC in Dallas, Texas. Tony has experience in Structural, Architectural, and Forensic Engineering, Construction Management and Consulting Services to Owners, Architects, General Contractors, Builders, Manufacturers, Insurance Companies and Attorneys.

Professional profile

Areas of Expertise


Design and analysis of various construction materials for Steel, Concrete, Masonry and Wood Structures, including but not limited to:

Building enclosure

Design and analysis of various cladding components for exterior wall systems and roofs including but not limited to:
Other Areas of Curtainwall Expertise:


Consulting, Forensic and Peer Review services in the commercial and residential building industry including but not limited to:


Tony manages a team of Architects through the various Childress Companies™ that have the technical expertise and diversification of capabilities that puts them in a unique position to serve clients who hove a variety of needs, including but not limited to. the following:

Professional Experience

1994 – Present

Owner/President of Childress Engineering Services, Inc. Plano, Texas
Founded Childress Engineering Services, Inc. in 1994. CES has successfully grown to employ over 100 people including registered engineers, CAD technicians, commercial and residential designers, field inspectors, consultants, architects, and administrative personnel. In addition, the company has expanded to include three branch offices, earns annual revenue more than five million dollars and offers services to customers around the globe. Directly responsible for Business Operations and Engineering Management for five divisions: Structural, Curtainwall, Residential, Architectural, and Consulting. The Structural and Consulting Divisions provide services to architects, building owners, manufacturers and contractors on distinctive structural design and framing details for both commercial and residential projects. The Curtainwall Division is a National Curtainwall Consulting group specializing in Engineering Design, Failure Analysis, On-site Testing, and Inspection of Exterior facades. The Residential Division is a group specializing in the design of post tension slabs, pier and beam foundations, rebar foundations, wood. and steel framing, retaining walls and other low-rise structures. The Architectural Services Division provides architectural design for residential and commercial structures.

1988 -1993

Engineering Manager/Structural Engineer at Architectural Wall Systems, Inc. Forney, Texas

1988 -1993

Engineering Manager/Structural Engineer

Structural Engineer and Engineering Manager for a national curtainwall consulting group. Managed a total staff of 9 engineers and draftsmen. Engineering responsibilities included the design and analysis of various cladding components for exterior wall systems. Design requirement included: cross-section design of system components, verification of design capacities, and coordination of shop drawings to show proper installation methods, and calculations to verify the structural integrity of the system to meet local building code and architectural specifications.

1989 -1992

Software Manager

Engineering Software Manager’s responsibilities included the design, implementation, and marketing of specialized computer software.

1989 -1992


Engineer-in-Training for a national curtainwall consulting group. Engineering responsibilities included the design and analysis of various cladding components for exterior wall systems. Design requirement included: cross-section design of system components, verification of design capacities, and coordination of shop drawings to show proper installation methods, and calculations lo verify the structural integrity of the system to meet local building code and architectural specifications.

*Due to the vast number of projects worked on, job references ore available on request.


July 1993, July 1995, July l 998

  • 14 Hours: July 19-23, 1993
  • 40 Hours: September l l -Oclober 8, 1994


  • Designing Aluminum Structures: June 13, 2003, Morch 5, 2010
  • Financial Management for P.E.’s: January 15, 2005
  • Foundations for Metal Building Systems: June 17, 2008
  • Design of Moment – Resisting Foundations for Pre-Engineered Buildings: June 19, 2008
  • Design of Wood Beams and Joists: July 8, 2008
  • Design of Wood Connections: November 12, 2009
  • Design of Wood Diaphragms and Shear Walls: May 18, 2010
  • Ethics: March 26, 2012


  • Concrete Slabs on Ground: November 7, 2002

ACME Brick Company:

  • Thin Wall Brick Fences: January l l, 2012

Auburn University:

  • Structural Design of Spread Footings: March 8, 2007
  • Geotechnical Aspects of Shallow Foundations Design: March 8, 2007
  • Ethics and Professionalism: December 21, 2007

Building Officials Association of Texas:

  • 199 l SBC Update: July 1993
  • Foundation Inspections: July 1993
  • Water Infiltration: July 1993
  • Wood Framing, Design & Inspection: July 1993
  • Hondgrips & Handrails, Brick Veneer: July 1993